Sunday, August 12, 2007

Teen Camp

I returned home today from WEC Teen Camp where I've been for the past week.

For those that don't know, Teen Camp is a Christian holiday under canvas with a mission focus for teenagers between 13 and 18. I used to go regularly in my teenage years; from 1997 to 2000.

This was my second year as a tent leader, my first being the summer of 2005. We had a great week down in Charmouth, a sleepy Dorset beach town.

The weather was great for the majority of the week and I took all the opportunities I could to enjoy the English sea (a little colder than Popenguine though). We also went to Exmouth for 'trip day' where I made the most of the traditional seaside resort and treated myself to ice-cream, fish & chips and a cup of tea.

I was a tent leader in the second oldest boys village which meant guys aged 15 and 16. This isn't an agegroup I've had much experience with at BCS seeing as we only had one 15yr old and three 16yr olds and I was working in the youngest dorm. I was a little worried when I first met my campers. Three of the four in my tent struck me immediately as being from a very different social grouping to myself. They were the trendy kids who thought themselves 'hard', wore jewellery and listened to music I can't stand; or at least those were my immediate thoughts.

It's so difficult not to judge on appearances or to let first impressions affect long term interaction. I was however taught a lesson as these boys proceeded to surprise me with their respect and better than expected behaviour. They were by no means angels but they were also by no means the scallies I mistook them for.

I was very encouraged during the week to observe one of them in particular spending time reading his bible at night and obviously chewing over what he was hearing. In terms of group discussion and sharing, my tent remained fairly quiet all week but changes in other areas and their attitudes at the end of the week gave me hope that God was at work in these young men.

I very much enjoyed being part of the camp family and it was great to meet up with some folks who I'd not seen for a few years. There were also a lot of new leaders there this year and many of them have expressed a desire to return next year and obviously enjoyed themselves which is great. Just like at BCS, continuity is also very important for WEC Camps. If a leader is a regular and is known to the kids then they are often given greater respect and the campers feel able to be much more open about their relationship with God and the issues in their lives.

I'm now exhausted having hung around on site to help with the initial packing up process and then travelled to New Wine festival to spend the night in a tiny tent there before the long drive up north today.

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