Monday, June 11, 2007

D-day plus one

Mid-term break is nearly over. In fact it's already finished for most, I'm just lucky to have my day off on a Monday.

I've had a really relaxing weekend.

I went away with seven other Trekkers and we spent the weekend in nearby Saly. I didn't do much, but that was the whole idea.

One of the best parts was being with friends. I was reminded of Luke's description of the early church in Acts 2:44 "all who believed were together and had all things in common". There was definitely an atmosphere of community and sharing. People were very generous particularly in respect to food and money and no-one expected anything in return. A glimpse of Christian community at its best. The love of Christ in the lives of others can be more refreshing than weeks spent by the swimming pool.

I cooked bolognese for us all on the first night which I enjoyed very much (despite forgetting to buy garlic) and we had a lovely evening dining al fresco and enjoying conversation and card games.

The whole weekend was in some part (for me at least) dominated by thoughts of my impending deadline. Sunday night was the date I had set by which I must have made a decision about whether to stay on at BCS for a secind year.

It's been a difficult desicion in some way but easy in others.

Those who know me well will be well familiar with my indecisiveness. This was part of the reason for setting a deadline. For some time I have felt that I would like to stay but I wanted to be sure that this was God's best for me and to take time to examine the motives behind my feelings.

Having now done these things I am pleased to announce that I will be returning here in August for the next school year.

It is still not certain what my role will be so please pray for the school leadership team that they would be given wisdom as to how to best use me. There are also many practical details which will need to be addressed in the coming months.

This morning we had a special baptism service at Popenguine beach and five BCS students were baptised. We did it at the end of mid-term break so that the parents could come more easily. It was a great service, great to hear the testimony of these five young people and to see them responding in obedience to God's call.

We just had lunch and Bob asked me to announce my decision to the rest of the school so now everyone knows, that'll save any confusion or rumour I hope (although it seems that WEC Trek UK already thought I was staying, not the first time I've heard that sort of rumour getting around HQ mistakenly).

Must go and send all the e-mails I've written now and try and get some siesta.

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