Monday, April 16, 2007

Back To Work

It's back to work this morning. This week will be pretty busy with lesson planning I expect but hopefully it'll make for a more relaxed start of term.

The girls returned from the Gambia on Saturday afternoon safe and sound bringing with them Cadburys chocolate, golden syrup, Birds custard powder, Dr Pepper and many other goodies not available in Senegal. I can see now God at work in my not going with them. Firstly in terms of the work I need to get done, secondly in some very helpful conversations I've had regarding next year and my potential involvement in the school and thirdly it was good for me emotionally to spend some time away from the girls I would have gone with as I've maybe spent too much time with them recently.

Saturday was Adam's 25th birthday (my housemate) and I spent the morning making his birthday present/card. In the evening we watched the new James Bond film on the big screen (Casino Royale). I really enjoyed it. Quite different from other Bonds but a very good film.

Yesterday I organised an impromptu singsong in the chapel seeing as no-one had volunteered to put together a Sunday service, after which Ruth and Tracey came over to watch some Match of The Day with Adam and I (he gets DVDs sent out by a friend who records it for him). In the afternoon a few of us went down to the beach at Popenguine. I borrowed Dirk-Jan's bike and I'm still saddle sore today. It's been too long since I did any cycling. After we got back Dirk-Jan and Mirjam invited us round for dinner in exchange for some help clearing the furniture out of the dorm for the cockroach spray (happening as I write).

Some of us played volleyball after tea in which the Swiss beat the Anglophones 2 sets to 1. Our final game was interrupted by an emergency prayer meeting for the WEC related church in Dakar who have had some shocking goings on in the past few days which I don't know if I'm allowed to elaborate on so I won't. Please pray for the church members and the missionaries trying to help the situation.

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