Sunday, March 25, 2007

Long Time No Blog

It feels like a very long time since I last wrote one of these.

Sorry I've not posted anything for a while.

I've had a very busy week. From Thursday to Saturday we had BCS' first ever 'open weekend'; two days for which we invited prospective students and their families to join us at the school and get a taste of what life is like at BCS.

On the Friday I was responsible for running an educational yet fun activity in the computer classroom for two hours while students milled around the school going from one activity to the next. Unfortunately the equipment I had planned to use stopped working the day before and I was up until half past midnight trying to fix it on Thrusday night. Even after an hour and a half the next morning I never got it working again so I had to come up with a last minute alternative.

On top of open day pressure and the general stress of having so many visitors around I was heavily involved in last night's dorm activity. It was an event we called 'A Night On The Town'. The most ambitious 'late night' we've done this year. The idea was that we set up various activities around the school site that a teenager might typically make use of when going out for the evening in their passport country and the kids are given money with which to pay for any activities of their choice.

The night-life included restaurants, a live music cafe, a disco, a cinema, a games arcade, a bowling alley, roller skating and a magic show.

I was running an Italian restaurant called 'I Calzini del Criceto' (try Google translate) selling spaghetti bolognese and spaghetti carbonara. It was the most stressful thing I've done all term. I turned our lounge into a restaurant seating 15 with mood lighting, candles and classical guitar music. My mistake was that I was running it on my own as both chef and waiter, at one point serving 12 people in one sitting. It was very tiring but also enjoyable and very satisfying to know that everyone enjoyed both the food and the ambience.

After putting the juniors to bed I played a couple of songs in the cafe and drank several cups of tea (Adam had brought over his personal supply of Tetley and had bought some cartons of UHT making this the best tea I was likely to taste all term and probably until I return to England). After the seniors had gone to bed many staff hung out in the cafe (the dining room) and we had a sing along with various songs which popped into peoples heads until gone 1 o'clock.

Now I need to get some sleep as I ate far too much for Sunday lunch as usual (Sunday siestas always come in very handy as sunday lunch is always very tasty and includes a pudding).

We're going to the beach this afternoon.

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