Saturday, September 15, 2007

First Day Off

It's been a busy first week and I'd intended to write much earlier than
this but at least now it's my first day off and I have a little time (or
at least I've taken a little time).

My first week teaching science has gone well. I've found that all my
lesson plans were a little too long so far. I probably forgot how long
it takes to do some things over the summer. Science lessons are very
different to teach from ICT ones too. Everyone tells me that's the
better way round for things to be though. I'm not worried about falling
behind schedule yet as the lessons planned would have finished the first
units ahead of schedule anyway.

I still have a lot of prep to do for next week but I think I'll be fine.
I'm trying to keep my Saturday day off as a work free day of rest as
Sundays here often involve duties which can take up a large part of the day.

The kids are settling in well and the new staff seem to be doing equally
well. I just went for a walk around the compound and dropped by the
dorms; Saturday was proceeding as normal, few kids in the dorm lounges,
some complaining of boredom but generally everyone's doing what they
normally would have done last year and is happy doing it.

It is a bit strange not being in the dorm. I do miss being there with
the kids and just enjoying their company and conversation. I could
easily go and hang out there but I think this is a very important time
for the kids' development of relationships with the new staff and to be
honest I've not really had much time to go and sit in a dorm lounge anyway.

Tomorrow's our first church service of the school year and I'm involved
in leading. Not too much pressure as I'm mainly playing bass but I might
be telling a short parable too if I can find something suitable.

It's rained a lot this week.

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