Monday, November 13, 2006

School Cook for a day

Well, it's my day off again and I'm back in my classroom, but only to change the songs on my mp3 player and put last week's blog entry on my memory stick. This afternoon I'm going down to Sindia to pick up my new clothes I mentioned last time. I'd like to cycle down to the beach later for a swim but I'll have to see what the others want to do because it's no fun on my own. My plans for the rest of the day include making some hooks for the ICT store room and a small lantern. I've taken to using our new school treehouse in the evenings after I put the kids to bed as a place to relax so I'd like to make a little lantern so I can take my book up there with me.

This weekend was a little more relaxed than the last. I spent Saturday morning hanging out in the dorm and then after a long siesta I played cricket in the sports hall. In the evening we played a game called Catacombs (sp?) where a small group of people are selected to be roman soldiers and the rest of us are 1st century Christians and the Christians have to make their way to a secret meeting place somewhere on the compound without the soldiers finding out where they're meeting. It was great fun, we turned off all the security lights so the only light we had was from the stars and everyone scattered across the compound trying to throw the soldiers of the scent before converging on a very small space in some remote corner of the school site.
On Sunday I was cooking lunch for the whole school which was a challenge. I made paprika chicken with the help of Franziska but it was a little harder than at home. Firstly we were cooking for over 50 people. Secondly I would normally use tinned mushroom soup as a sauce but you can't get it here so we made a strange mix between bechamel sauce and mushroom gloop. Time consuming and not quite right but edible at least. after cleaning and washing up I was a little late starting my siesta so I had an extended one again until 4 when I went to the sports hall to play basketball. In the evening the German contingent celebrated St. Martin's day and I joined them in marching around with paper lanterns singing "Ich gehe mit meine laterne und meine laterne mit mir", "St. Martin, St. Martin, St. Martin war ein gute mann" and "Laterne, laterne, sonne, mun und scherne" (I only caught the first lines of the songs, forgive any spelling mistakes too as I never saw them written). After putting the Eagle kids to bed I went to Falcon (the oldest dorm) to fix a computer and ended up staying there and having hot chocolate which was great.

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