Monday, October 23, 2006

Bedspring improv

Monday again. Not much happened today to tell you about, just some guitar some football and some bed springs, so I'll tell you about the weekend instead. We had a great day on Saturday. The morning was the date of the much hyped staff vs. inter's football match. I was in goal for the staff and we gave the intermediates a good lesson in how to win a match, we won 7 - 3. It was my first time playing in the hotter part of the day (not that it's ever cool during daylight hours), I think, had I been in a more active position, I would have run out of energy quite quickly but playing in goal is relatively effort free when your defence is of any quality. The match ended up in a bit of a water fight as the water cooler we'd brought up to the field for team refreshment became the focal point of quite a chaotic episode of splashings and soakings, quite nice if you were hot and sweaty. In the afternoon we had a whole school trip to the beach which was great fun. I cycled there and back which was good (although the bike I was on was horrible). I spent most of my time with Josephine, the youngest girl in our dorm, a Nigerian, who had never swam in the sea before and was quite afraid of it. We spent most of the time sat on the edge of the sea getting pushed around by the heavier of the incoming waves but ocasionally I carried her into the deeper water where we enjoyed the bigger waves until she got too scared and asked me to take her back out. On Sunday morning I took the senior kids for the teaching part of our Sunday meeting. We did a bible study on different old testament prophecies which reveal things about the coming Messiah (Jesus). It was really encouraging for me to prepare it just seeing the sheer volume of prophecies undeniably fulfilled by Jesus and I think those who made the effort to participate properly were encouraged too (although it was hard work sometimes having such a wide age group and so many of them). In case you were wondering about the bed spring reference earlier that was one of the pieces I found today for the drum kit Chris and I are making, it should work very well in my bass drum pedal design. Bye4now...

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