Friday, January 5, 2007

Field Conference Begins

Today is the first day of the WEC 2007 Senegal Field Conference. Actually, the first day has just finished.
Today reminded me of the holiday times when I was at uni in York, when a place you were familiar with in one way suddenly took on another life. In York it was the contrast between the University of York and York Conference Park (the university's non-term-time alter ego). Here at BCS it's similar, with the flooding of the school by conference delegates and rooms your used to seeing as chapels or assembly halls being turned into a conference seminar venue. Unfortunately here I don't get paid to set up the data projector...
My last few days have been mainly concentrated on lesson prep for the coming term (or such was my intention at least). I'm teaching a unit on making web pages to the yr8s which I've been enjoying preparing for (writing worksheets and exploring software I've not used before). I also spent a morning inside the school's electric piano, replacing speakers and adding a makeshift auxilliary output; and then an afternoon behind a video camera, filming and editing the story of Esther for use in the kids work during conference.
I'm quite tired at the moment, probably due to watching the extended Lord of the Rings trilogy over the past three evenings and another film trilogy the preceding days. Despite tiredness I don't feel in need of a siesta these days, a snooze in the middle of the day would probably wipe me out for the rest of the afternoon and I like to get back to my work if its been going well.
I'm playing in the band for conference and tonight I played bass. It was great to play bass in an ensemble again. I'm nominally leading the group but I find it hard to keep up with both words and music without my glasses (which are now en route). I am getting better at playing bass and singing simultaneously though, but it's more fun on the bass when I can give it my full attention. Some of the songs are in French to make things more difficult and they're marked with French chords: Do, Re, Mi etc.
I ought to sleep now as breakfast is at 7:30, a shock to the system after being in self catering holiday mode for the past three weeks.
Good night.

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