Friday, September 15, 2006

A tough first week

I've just come to the end of my first week of school. It's been tough. It was great on Tuesday to see all the kids arrive; the whole site atmosphere completely changed and I started to realise more fully what I'm doing here. I'm helping in the youngest dorm, Eagle, which has been great so far. The kids there are really lovely and the house parents, Chris and Brianna, are great. There are only two boys in the dorm (and eight girls) which makes life easier for Chris and I at bed time because the two boys share one room so there's much less chasing to do than in most dorms. Being the youngest they go to bed fairly early which is a help too. I'm usually back in my house by 8:30 in the evening. The teaching is going fairly well (after a slightly dissatisfactory first lesson) and I'm enjoying it. I am finding the prep hard though and have found that I've been flat out this week trying to squeeze in time to prepare for lessons at the last minute. I had four periods first thing this morning and was up 'til 2am last night preparing them. I hope that's a one off and I can do things a little more in advance from now on (hopefully I'll get quicker as time goes on too). What I'd love to do now is crash out for the weekend but unfortunately, being a general helper, I'm in the dorm all weekend with the kids so I'll have to wait 'til my day off on Monday but I'm not planning any more super late nights in the meantime.

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