Sunday, January 14, 2007

Term Starts Tomorrow

Over a week since the last post, unusual now that I'm writing on the laptop. It's been a long week.

Field conference was good. I didn't experience as much if it as I would have liked as I spent half the week in bed with a fever and occasional headaches. I still don't know what it was but I suspect the cause was partly exhaustion; perhaps my body enforcing some decent length of rest
before the onslaught of term two.

The sessions I made most were the morning sessions where we sang together and heard from our main speaker. I got to play bass all week (when I was well enough) which was great. This year's speaker was from WEC Brazil where he's been working in the missionary training college for a lomg time. He said some good stuff but I found it hard to follow at times as his preaching style is quite different from that which I'm used to and appreciate most. It was great to meet missionaries from all over Senegal and also to see and hear contributions from representatives of the Senegalese church.

Today we had another 'British Breakfast' to polish off the bacon and sausages we didn't eat on Christmas day and afterwards I led a short Sunday service in the school chapel. I've spent most of the rest of the day making spring rolls (a skill I learnt one night during conference) which we ate tonight with a few guests. It's so time consuming! Yesterday I made the filling which took at least an hour (lots of chopping and then frying) which had to be both cool and dry before being put into rolls. Today I spent two hours in the afternoon and two hours this evening making wrappers using left over batter from our lesson the other night and then rolled them up with the help of one of those waiting to sample them and deep fried them. I think I must have made about 60 in the end. There are a load in the freezer which'll keep me going snackwise for a while (when I can be bothered to heat the oil).

The kids come back tomorrow and then it's all GO for the next 9 weeks. It'll be good to have them back. I've enjoyed the holidays but after a while you start to miss the kids and you get anxious to get back to work. We had a planning meeting last night for all the dorm activities and I'm very excited about the program for the coming term, it's going to be a lot of fun.

I have a teachers meeting at 9am so I should really go to sleep, it's 11:37.

Good night!


jane said...

spring rolls! It's like a chinese 'dim sum' dishes. Do you like it?

Andrew said...

They're great! If only they didn't take so long to make though. I've still got about 30 in the freezer which I'm saving for my staff fellowship group this Thursday.